One Possible Cause For Orabpel-11017

Oracle(R) BPEL Process Manager - Version:

Use of file adapter that references transformation that uses a schema that includes a xsd:date type.

recieving the following error at runtime:

Translation Error.
Error while translating message to native format.
Incorrect xml default date format is causing the problem.

The write processThe xsd:date element is expecting
the value for the date type ojbect to be represented in the default
schema date representation format (a text representation like "2000-03-21" or
format "YYYY-MM-DD").

Change the format date values as follows:



From sampleoutput.txt:

RH, 1647, 11-07-2006, Test6 Desc DAVE, Test6 Blah DAVE
RL, 1647, 1234, Line Desc, Line Blah, 10, 123.34, 1324.32
RH, 1648, 11-07-2006, Test Desc2, Test Blah
RL, 1648, 1235, Line Desc2, Line Blah , 11, 123.35, 1324.33

to: (From sampleoutput.txt)

RH, 1647,2006-03-21, Test6 Desc DAVE, Test6 Blah DAVE
RL, 1647, 1234, Line Desc, Line Blah, 10, 123.34, 1324.32
RH, 1648,2006-03-21, Test Desc2, Test Blah
RL, 1648, 1235, Line Desc2, Line Blah, 11, 123.35, 1324.33

Here are some options:

1) Change the format of the date values in the source or
db select statement, if applicable.

2) Read/write the values as string types and do any date transformations/arithmetic via other extraneous variables.

3) Research xml schema/transformation functions that could be integrated to
do the string->date conversion for you.


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