BPEL Engine Exceptions ORABPEL 02000 - 02179

BPEL Engine Exceptions ORABPEL 02000 - 02179
Engine Exceptions 02000 - 02179

severity: 10
type: error
name: Block element class not valid
description: The class \"{0}\" for the block element \"{1}\" does not implement the ICubeBlock interface. All block elements contained within the process domain must implement this interface.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Error while creating block element
description: An error has occurred while attempting to instantiate the class \"{1}\" for the block element \"{0}\". The exception reported was: {2}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Unknown block element classname
description: The block element \"{0}\" is missing its classname; this element cannot be created without its classname.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cube element missing id property
description: A Cube element is missing its \"id\" property. Every Cube element in the process domain is uniquely identified by its \"id\" property.

severity: 10
type: error
name: SOAP router URL not specified
description: The SOAP server URL for the process domain has not been specified. This URL is used to construct the callback URL that remote web-services will use to callback the domain. This property is expected to be specified in the process domain descriptor file.
fix: Please ensure that the \"soap-server-url\" property is specified in the process domain descriptor file.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Parent block element not found
description: The parent block element \"{0}\" specified by node/block element \"{1}\" has not been defined in the service class map. All nodes/blocks contained in the map must be bound to a valid parent block element.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Map element missing parent block
description: The node/block element \"{0}\" is missing a parent block identifier. All nodes/blocks contained in the service class map must be bound to a parent block element.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Multiple method blocks specified
description: Multiple method block elements have been specified in the service class map. A valid map can only contain one method block element.

severity: 10
type: error
name: No block elements specified in map
description: No block elements have been specified in the service class map. All valid maps must contain at least one block element (the root block).

severity: 10
type: error
name: No node elements specified in map
description: No node elements have been specified in the service class map. All valid maps must contain at least one node element.
fix: Please add a node element to the map using the studio tool. Once this has been done, please redeploy the service class.

severity: 10
type: error
name: No method block specified in map
description: No method block element has been specified for the service class map. All valid maps must contain one method block element.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Node element class not valid
description: The class \"{0}\" for the node element \"{1}\" does not implement the ICubeNode interface. All node elements contained within the process domain must implement this interface.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Error while creating node element
description: An error has occurred while attempting to instantiate the class \"{1}\" for the node element \"{0}\". The exception reported was: {2}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Class not found
description: The class \"{0}\" cannot be found in the current classpath.
fix: If \"{0}\" is a business document, please try to recompile the class using the schemac tool and restart the server.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Unknown node element classname
description: The node element \"{0}\" is missing its classname; this element cannot be created without its classname.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Incompatible process version
description: The BPEL process \"{0}\" (revision \"{1}\") has been compiled with an older version of BPELC; the BPEL process domain you have deployed the process to cannot execute this process.
fix: Please recompile your BPEL process using the BPELC tool bundled with the current process domain.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed to initialize process
description: The process \"{0}\" has failed to initialize because of the error: \"{1}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot compress data stream
description: Cannot compress data stream with GZIP algorithm; exception is {0}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot uncompress data stream
description: Cannot uncompress data stream with GZIP algorithm; exception is {0}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot compute md5 checksum
description: Cannot compute md5 checksum; exception is {0}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot serialize audit trail
description: An attempt to serialize the audit trail for instance \"{0}\" to its binary representation has failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot marshall transaction trail
description: An attempt to marshall the audit trail for instance \"{0}\" to its XML representation has failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Audit trail element format error
description: The value \"{0}\" for the tag \"{1}\" in the XML serialized text for the audit trail for instance \"{2}\" is not a parseable integral value.
fix: Please ensure that the value for tag \"{1}\" conforms to the expected format.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot activate block
description: An attempt to activate the block \"{0}\" for the instance \"{1}\" has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this block has been custom coded for this process, please check the implementation.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot finalize block
description: An attempt to invoke the method \"until\" on the block \"{0}\" for the instance \"{1}\" has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this block has been custom coded for this process, please check the implementation.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Block cannot handle exception
description: An attempt by the block \"{0}\" to handle a business exception for the instance \"{1}\" has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this block has been custom coded for this process, please check the implementation.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot pre-activate block
description: An attempt to invoke the method \"canActivate\" on the block \"{0}\" for the instance \"{1}\" has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this block has been custom coded for this process, please check the implementation.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance binary deserialization failed
description: An attempt to deserialize the instance \"{0}\" from binary format failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance binary serialization failed
description: An attempt to serialize the instance \"{0}\" to binary format failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot create key generator bean
description: The process domain cannot create the bean \"{0}\"; this bean is responsible for generating a unique key for a new instance. The exception reported is: \"{1}\".
fix: Please check that the instance key generator bean has been properly deployed to the server and can be properly mounted from a java class.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot marshall instance
description: An attempt to marshall the instance \"{0}\" to XML format has failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Wrong domain id
description: The instance \"{0}\" was created from the domain \"{1}\"; the current domain is \"{2}\". A process can only be loaded from the domain it was created from.
fix: If you are accessing this instance from the API, please try looking up the instance \"{0}\" from the \"{1}\" domain (change the domain id parameter to the Locator initializer).

severity: 10
type: error
name: Inconsistent process guid
description: The instance \"{0}\" was created with process guid \"{1}\"; the current guid for the process \"{2}\" (revision \"{3}\") is \"{4}\". Whenever a process is deployed on top of an existing process with the same process id and revision tag, all instances created from the previous process are marked as stale.
fix: If you are accessing this instance from the console, your browser may be referring to an out-of-date page; please click on the Instances tab to get the current list of active instances.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Invalid instance key format
description: An attempt to construct a valid instance key from the string \"{0}\" has failed. The key consists of a single integer value. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If the instance key string has not been constructed by the process domain, please ensure that the key format is valid.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance missing XML entry
description: The tag \"{0}\" is missing from the XML serialized text for instance \"{1}\".
fix: Please ensure that the XML document for this instance contains a value for the tag \"{0}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance missing process id
description: The instance \"{0}\" is missing its process id; this id specifies the process class that the instance was generated from.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance element format error
description: The value \"{0}\" for the tag \"{1}\" in the XML serialized text for instance \"{2}\" is not a parseable integral value.
fix: Please ensure that the value for tag \"{1}\" conforms to the expected format.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot create context object
description: An exception occurred while trying to create a context object; the exception reported is: {0}
fix: Please verify that the directory service on the application server has been configured correctly.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot lookup context object
description: The process domain was unable to lookup the context object using the bind name \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}
fix: Please verify the JNDI identifier is valid.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot delegate lookup to process
description: The process domain was unable to delegate the lookup call for \"{0}\" to the process descriptor. The descriptor cannot be found for this process.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot destroy context object
description: An exception occurred while trying to destroy a context object; the exception reported is: {0}
fix: Please verify that the directory service on the application server has been configured correctly.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot access instance
description: The action \"{0}\" cannot be performed on the instance \"{1}\" because of its current state (\"{2}\"). Please consult the documentation for a list of all the permissible actions that can be performed on a instance when it is in the \"{2}\" state.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot access work item
description: The action \"{0}\" cannot be performed on the work item \"{1}\" because of its current state (\"{2}\"). Please consult the documentation for a list of all the permissible actions that can be performed on a work item when it in the \"{2}\" state.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot access Scope
description: The action \"{0}\" cannot be performed on the scope \"{1}\" because of its current state (\"{2}\"). Please consult the documentation for a list of all the permissible actions that can be performed on a scope when it in the \"{2}\" state.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot write audit trail
description: The process domain failed to write the audit trail for instance \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot read debug trace
description: The process domain failed to read the debug trace for instance \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot write debug trace
description: The process domain failed to write the debug trace for instance \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot write instance trace
description: The process domain failed to write the instance trace for instance \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot handle work item
description: The process domain was unable to handle the work item \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot begin a transaction
description: The OraBPEL system was unable to start a new transaction for method \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Request cancelled
description: The invocation for method \"{0}\" on the business transaction \"{1}\", process bean \"{2}\" (revision \"{3}\") has been cancelled. The return value for this method cannot be determined in this case.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Request not finished
description: The invocation for method \"{0}\" on the business transaction \"{1}\", process bean \"{2}\" (revision \"{3}\") is not complete. The return value for this method cannot be fetched until the method has completed.
fix: Please resubmit this request after several minutes. Please note that the method may contain some asynchronous conversations that could take an indeterminate amount of time to complete.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot lookup BPEL domain
description: The BPEL domain \"{0}\" cannot be found; the domain may not have initialized properly.
fix: Please verify that the BPEL domain loader has a valid set of initialization properties in the application properties file.

severity: 10
type: error
name: BPEL domain not initialized
description: The BPEL domain \"{0}\" has not finished initializing yet; the initialization process may be complete in a few moments.

severity: 10
type: error
name: BPEL domain uninitializing
description: The BPEL domain \"{0}\" is currently uninitializing; the domain may not be accessed anymore.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Exception not handled
description: An exception thrown from a scope was not handled by any blocks up the scope chain.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Could not initialize JMS resources
description: An exception thrown while initializing JMS destination \"{0}\", the reason is {1}
fix: Please check your jms server configuration and make sure that you have configured the \"{0}\" destination and make sure that your JMS server is up and running.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Block element not found in map
description: The block element \"{0}\" has not been defined in the service class map.
fix: If any user specified code is attempting to access the block element \"{0}\", please check the name of the requested element.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Node element not found in map
description: The node element \"{0}\" has not been defined in the service class map.
fix: If any user specified code is attempting to access the node element \"{0}\", please check the name of the requested element.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Work item not found in memory repository
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the work item \"{0}\" from the memory repository.
fix: Please check that the work item key \"{0}\" refers to a valid work item that has been started and not removed from the process domain.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot activate node
description: An attempt to activate the node \"{0}\" for the instance \"{1}\" has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this node has been custom coded for this process, please check the implementation.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot finalize node
description: An attempt to finalize the node \"{0}\" for the work item \"{1}\" has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this node has been custom coded for this process, please check the implementation.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot pre-activate node
description: An attempt to invoke the method \"canActivate\" on the node \"{0}\" for the instance \"{1}\" has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this node has been custom coded for this process, please check the implementation.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Delivery callback message deserialization failed
description: An attempt to deserialize the delivery callback messages for conversation \"{0}\", message \"{1}\" from binary format has failed. The exception reported is: {2}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Delivery callback message serialization failed
description: An attempt to serialize the delivery callback messages for conversation \"{0}\", message \"{1}\" to binary format has failed. The exception reported is: {2}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Delivery property serialization failed
description: An attempt to serialize the delivery properties for conversation \"{0}\" to binary format has failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Delivery property deserialization failed
description: An attempt to deserialize the delivery properties for conversation \"{0}\" to binary format has failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Delivery callback message XML marshalling failed
description: An attempt to marshall the delivery callback messages for conversation \"{0}\", message \"{1}\" to XML has failed. The exception reported is: {2}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Operation not supported
description: The method call to \"{0}\" of delivery system persistence service has failed. The object passed in is \"{1}\". This operation is not supported.
fix: Delivery service persistence service does not support advanced persistence features like lazy-loading. The persistence manager should not use those related operations. Check the persistence manager of the object.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot load message from object store
description: The delivery service can not load the message contents from the datastore. The exception reported is: {0}
fix: If this object type has been imported into the process, please check that the load() method is working properly. The load() call is the object''s opportunity to recreate itself from external storage. Otherwise, the delivery message contents may have been edited manually in the datastore.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot save message to object store
description: The delivery service cannot store the object \"{0}\" (type \"{1}\") to the datastore. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this object type has been imported into the process, please check that the save() method is working properly. The save() call is the object''s opportunity to persist itself in some form of external storage.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot copy object
description: An attempt to copy the object \"{0}\" (class {1}) has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this object type has been imported into the process, please check that the copy() method of this object''s PersistenceManager is working properly.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot release moniker
description: An attempt to release the moniker \"{0}\" has failed. The exception reported is: {1}
fix: If the last reference to a moniker is being removed, the object referred to by the moniker must be loaded first. Please check that the load() method in the object''s persistence manager is working correctly.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot delete object
description: An attempt to delete the object \"{0}\" (class {1}) has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this object type has been imported into the process, please check that the delete() method is working properly. The delete() call is the object''s opportunity to remove any external persisted version of itself.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find target element
description: The target element with id \"{0}\" cannot be located in the current XML document. The node \"{1}\" has a reference link to this element.
fix: The document is corrupt; it may have been edited manually.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find element type
description: The element \"{0}\" does not have an \"xsi:type\" attribute specifying schema type of the underlying java object. An XML fragment cannot be properly unmarshalled to its java representation without this information.
fix: The document is corrupt; it may have been edited manually.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot load object from moniker
description: An attempt to deserialize an object from its moniker format has failed. The exception reported is: {0}
fix: The object moniker is corrupt; the moniker may have been edited manually.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Negative reference count
description: Assertion failed: object \"{0}\" has negative reference count \"{1}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot marshall object
description: An attempt to marshall the object \"{0}\" (class \"{1}\") to XML has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this object type has been imported into the process, please check that the marshall() method is working properly. Otherwise, the document may have been edited manually.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot prepare to marshall object
description: An attempt to prepare the object \"{0}\" (class \"{1}\") for marshalling has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this object type has been imported into the process, please check that the prepareToMarshall() method is working properly. Otherwise, the document may have been edited manually.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot prepare to save object
description: An attempt to \"prepare to save\" the object \"{0}\" (class {1}) has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this object type has been imported into the process, please check that the prepareToSave() method is working properly. The prepareToSave() call is meant for compound objects to prepare their inner objects for saving.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot read moniker
description: An attempt to read an object''s moniker from the deserializer stream has failed. The exception reported is: {0}
fix: The object moniker is corrupt; the moniker may have been edited manually.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot save object
description: An attempt to save the object \"{0}\" (class {1}) has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this object type has been imported into the process, please check that the save() method is working properly. The save() call is the object''s opportunity to persist itself in some form of external storage.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot unmarshall object
description: An attempt to unmarshall the object \"{0}\" (element type \"{1}\") from XML has failed. The exception reported is: {2}
fix: If this object type has been imported into the process, please check that the unmarshall() method is working properly. Otherwise, the document may have been edited manually.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot write moniker
description: An attempt to write an object''s moniker into the serializer stream has failed. The exception reported is: {0}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Metadata for object not found
description: The metadata for object \"{0}\" has not been registered with the persistence service. Every java object type in the scope must be registered.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Missing embedded moniker
description: The metadata for object \"{0}\" does not contain an embedded moniker. All linked variants in the scope must contain an embedded moniker that contains the actual bytes defining the object.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Missing reference identifier
description: The node \"{0}\" is missing its reference identifier. Any element with an \"href\" attribute must contain a non-empty reference id that can be resolved to another element in the document.
fix: The document is corrupt; it may have been edited manually.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot route root scope
description: A instance''s root scope cannot be routed.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Invalid scope activation key format
description: An attempt to construct a valid scope activation key from the string \"{0}\" has failed. The expected format is: \"parm1-parm2\", where the parameters are: instance id (integer) and scope id (string) respectively.
fix: If the scope activation key string has not been constructed by the process domain, please ensure that the key format is valid.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot unmarshall meta data
description: An error occurred while attempting to unmarshall the meta data for the scope tree for instance \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}
fix: A variant''s meta data should contain a \"guid\", \"classname\" and \"ref-count\" attributes; the \"ref-count\" attribute should be an integral value.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot release root scope
description: A instance''s root scope cannot be released from the scope tree.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot unmarshall scope
description: An attempt to unmarshall a scope for instance \"{0}\" from an XML document has failed. The exception reported is: {1}
fix: The XML document for the scope may have been modified by hand.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Scope context missing XML entry
description: The tag \"{0}\" is missing from the XML serialized text for the scope data for instance \"{1}\".
fix: Please ensure that the XML document for this instance contains a value for the tag \"{0}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Scope not found
description: The scope \"{0}\" has not been defined in the current instance.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot resolve scope
description: The scope associated with block element \"{0}\" has not been defined in the current instance.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance element format error
description: The value \"{0}\" for the tag/attribute \"{1}\" in the XML serialized text for instance \"{2}\" is not a parseable integral value.
fix: Please ensure that the value for tag \"{1}\" conforms to the expected format.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot read process XML model file
description: Cannot read the XML model file for process \"{0}\" (revision \"{1}\"); the exception reported is: {2}
fix: Please check that the BPEL archive for process \"{0}\" (revision \"{1}\") has been deployed correctly.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Process WSDL not found
description: Cannot find the WSDL file \"{0}\" for process \"{1}\" (revision \"{2}\").
fix: Please check that the BPEL archive for process \"{1}\" (revision \"{2}\") has been deployed correctly.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot read process WSDL file
description: Cannot read the WSDL file \"{0}\" for process \"{1}\" (revision \"{2}\"); the exception reported is: {3}
fix: Please check that the BPEL archive for process \"{1}\" (revision \"{2}\") has been deployed correctly.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot find process content file
description: Cannot find the content file \"{0}\" for process \"{1}\" (revision \"{2}\").
fix: Please check that the path \"{0}\" is correct and refers to a file that has been included as a part of the deployment archive.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot read process content file
description: Cannot read the content file \"{0}\" for process \"{1}\" (revision \"{2}\"); the exception reported is: {3}
fix: Please check that the path \"{0}\" is correct and refers to a file that has been included as a part of the deployment archive.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Invalid Method Name.
description: Method \"{0}\" not found.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Process method map not found
description: The map for node element \"{0}\" has not been defined in the process class.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Process mode closed
description: The process class \"{0}\" (revision \"{1}\") is not in an open mode. New instances may not be created when the process is not open; existing instances are permitted to complete normally.
fix: Only the active revision of a process class (that is, the most recently deployed) may be open; all other revisions are automatically closed.

severity: 5
type: error
name: No process id found
description: A process class has not been assigned a unique identifier. This situation can occur if the process info class has not been properly bound to the process class.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Process state off
description: The process class \"{0}\" (revision \"{1}\" ) has not been turned on. No operations on the process or any instances belonging to the process may be performed if the process is off.
fix: Please consult your administrator if this process has been turned off inadvertently.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Scope activation message not found
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the scope activation message with key \"{0}\" from the datasource.
fix: This row may have been manually removed from the datasource; in which case the instance should be aborted.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot copy scope
description: An attempt was made to create a copy of the scope \"{0}\". Scopes are not cloneable.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot deserialize scope data
description: The process domain was unable to deserialize the scope data for instance \"{0}\" from its binary byte representation. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot marshall scope data
description: An attempt to marshall the scope data for instance \"{0}\" into XML has failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot serialize scope data
description: The process domain was unable to serialize the scope data for instance \"{0}\" into a binary byte stream. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 5
type: error
name: Invalid absolute scope id
description: The absolute scope id \"{0}\" does not conform to the expected format for a scope identifier (block id + relative scope id).

severity: 5
type: error
name: Scope not method scope
description: An attempt was made to fetch a return/header value from the root scope.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Primitive variant cast error
description: The requested variant \"{0}\" is not a primitive variant type. Reference variants cannot be cast to a primitive type.
fix: Please check that the code accessing variant \"{0}\" assumes that \"{0}\" is a reference variant.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Reference variant cast error
description: The requested variant \"{0}\" is not a reference variant type. Primitive variants cannot be cast to a reference type.
fix: Please check that the code accessing variant \"{0}\" assumes that \"{0}\" is a primitive variant.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Unknown variant type
description: The variant object associated with key \"{0}\" in the scope tree is neither a primitive nor a reference variant. The only variant types permissible in the scope tree are primitive (all Java primitive types) and reference (java.lang.String, java.util.Date, OraBPEL documents, EJB entity beans and one-dimensional arrays of any primitive or reference type).
fix: Please check that the type for the declared variant \"{0}\" is contained in this list of supported, (de)serializable types.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Variable already declared
description: A variable with key \"{0}\" has already been declared in the current scope.
fix: Please remove the variable declaration statement from your code.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Variant not found
description: The variant \"{0}\" has not been declared in the current scope. All variants must be declared in the scope before being accessed.
fix: Please check that the variant \"{0}\" is properly declared; otherwise there may be a misspelling in the name of the variant.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Transaction view binary deserialization failed
description: An attempt to deserialize the transaction view for instance \"{0}\" from binary format failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Transaction view binary serialization failed
description: An attempt to serialize the transaction view for instance \"{0}\" to binary format failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot marshall type to XML
description: An attempt to marshall the object \"{0}\" (class \"{1}\") to XML has failed. The exception reported is: {2}

severity: 5
type: error
name: Type missing XML element
description: The type class \"{0}\" is missing a \"{1}\" tag.
fix: Please ensure that the XML fragment for this type contains the necessary tag; this type of error usually occurs when the XML document has been edited manually.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Element contains wrong format
description: The value \"{0}\" for the tag \"{1}\" in the XML serialized text for the type class \"{2}\" is not a parseable integral value.
fix: Please ensure that the value for tag \"{1}\" conforms to the expected format.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Workitem binary deserialization failed
description: An attempt to deserialize the workitem \"{0}\" from binary format failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Workitem binary serialization failed
description: An attempt to serialize the workitem \"{0}\" to binary format failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Workitem binary deserialization failed
description: An attempt to deserialize the workitems for instance \"{0}\" to binary format failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Workitem binary serialization failed
description: An attempt to serialize the workitems for instance \"{0}\" to binary format failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot marshall work item
description: An attempt to marshall the work item \"{0}\" to XML format has failed. The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Invalid work item key format
description: An attempt to construct a valid work item key from the string \"{0}\" has failed. The expected format is: \"parm1-parm2-parm3-parm4\", where the parameters are: instance id (integer), node id (string), scope id (string) and count id (integer) respectively.
fix: If the work item key string has not been constructed by the process domain, please ensure that the key format is valid.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Work item missing XML entry
description: The tag \"{0}\" is missing from the XML serialized text for work item \"{1} \".
fix: Please ensure that the XML document for this instance contains a value for the tag \"{0}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Null exception thrown
description: A null exception has been thrown from the activity \"{0}\". Exceptions may not be null.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Work item element format error
description: The value \"{0}\" for the tag \"{1}\" in the XML serialized text for work item \"{2}\" is not a parseable integral value.
fix: Please ensure that the value for tag \"{1}\" conforms to the expected format.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Error while expiring work item
description: An error has occurred while attempting to expire the work item \"{0}\" (located at node \"{1}\"). The exception reported was: \"{2}\".
fix: Please check the implementation of the work manager class for any errors in the expiration logic. Otherwise, if this is a system or resource problem, please contact your system administrator.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Error while extending work item
description: An error has occurred while attempting to extend the work item \"{0}\" (located at node \"{1}\"). The exception reported was: \"{2}\".
fix: Please check the implementation of the work manager class for any errors in the extend logic. Otherwise, if this is a system or resource problem, please contact your system administrator.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Error while executing manage
description: An error has occurred while attempting to execute the method \"manage\" on the work manager for node \"{0}\". The exception reported was: \"{1}\".

severity: 5
type: error
name: Error while resuming work item
description: An error has occurred while attempting to resume the work item \"{0}\" (located at node \"{1}\"). The exception reported was: \"{2}\".
fix: Please check the implementation of the work manager class for any errors in the resume logic. Otherwise, if this is a system or resource problem, please contact your system administrator.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Error while suspending work item
description: An error has occurred while attempting to suspend the work item \"{0}\" (located at node \"{1}\"). The exception reported was: \"{2}\".
fix: Please check the implementation of the work manager class for any errors in the suspend logic. Otherwise, if this is a system or resource problem, please contact your system administrator.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Invalid callback arguments
description: The method invocation \"{0}\" has returned a invalid number of callback arguments. Currently, a maximum of one return value is permitted from a method invocation; the actual number returned for this invocation was \"{1}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Invalid exception object
description: The method invocation \"{0}\" has thrown an invalid exception object. All thrown exceptions must be objects that extend the class \"Throwable\". The object thrown is of class \"{1}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Callback invocation failed
description: An attempt to invoke the method \"{0}\" on the performer \"{1}\" failed. The reported exception is: \"{2}\".
fix: Please ensure that the signature of the method \"{0}\" is: ( IWorkItem, ICubeContext ).

severity: 5
type: error
name: Error while cancelling perform
description: An error has occurred while attempting to execute the method \"cancelPerform\" on the work performer for node \"{0}\". The exception reported was: \"{1}\".
fix: Please check the implementation of the work performer class for any errors in the performer logic. Otherwise, if this is a system or resource problem, please contact your system administrator.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Error while executing perform
description: An error has occurred while attempting to execute the method \"perform\" on the work performer for node \"{0}\". The exception reported was: \"{1}\".
fix: Please check the implementation of the work performer class for any errors in the performer logic. Otherwise, if this is a system or resource problem, please contact your system administrator.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Error while throwing exception
description: An error has occurred while attempting to throw the exception \"{0}\" from the activity \"{1}\". The exception reported was: \"{2}\".
fix: Please check the implementation of the work performer class for any errors in the performer logic. Otherwise, if this is a system or resource problem, please contact your system administrator.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot unmarshall array
description: An error occurred while attempting to unmarshall the array element \"{0}\"; an invalid array length was found (\"{1}\") when a valid integer was expected.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot unrecognized date format
description: An attempt to unmarshall a valid java date from the value \"{0}\" has failed. The accepted formats for valid dates are: {1} or {2}.
fix: Dates that are marshalled by the process domain should conform to the expected format; the document may have been edited manually.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot unmarshall array
description: An error occurred while attempting to unmarshall the array element \"{0}\"; the array type value \"{1}\" was malformed.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot unmarshall array
description: An error occurred while attempting to unmarshall the array element \"{0}\"; the array length for type \"{1}\" is missing. The expected type format is: type[ length ] (multi- dimensional assymetric arrays can have format type[][][ length ]).

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot unmarshall array
description: An error occurred while attempting to unmarshall the array element \"{0}\"; multi -dimensional symmetric arrays are not supported.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance missing domain id
description: The instance \"{0}\" is missing its domain id; this id specifies the BPEL domain that the instance was generated from.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Workitem not found in datasource
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the work item \"{0}\" from the datasource.
fix: Please check that the work item key \"{0}\" refers to a valid work item that has been started and not removed from the process domain.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Multiple activities found
description: Multiple activities were found with the key \"{0}\" from domain \"{1}\". Only one activity should be returned per key.
fix: If the key is a user-specified custom key, please ensure that the key is unique.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance not found in datasource
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the instance with key \"{0}\" from the datasource.
fix: Please check that the instance key \"{0}\" refers to a valid instance that has been started and not removed from the process domain.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Synchronous work items not found in datastore
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the work items for the synchronous instance with key \"{0}\" from the datasource.
fix: Please check that the instance key \"{0}\" refers to a valid instance that has been started and not removed from the process domain.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Multiple instances found
description: Multiple instances were found with the key \"{0}\". Only one instance should be returned per key.
fix: If the key is a user-specified custom key, please ensure that the key is unique.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Document not found in datasource
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the bytes for the business document \"{0}\" from the datasource.
fix: Please check that the business document identifier \"{0}\" refers to a valid entry in the document table; this row may have been manually removed from the table.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance scope not found in datasource
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the scope context data for the instance with key \"{0}\" from the datasource.
fix: Please check that the instance key \"{0}\" refers to a valid instance that has been started and not removed from the process domain.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot read audit trail
description: The process domain failed to read the audit trail for instance \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot create scope deserializer
description: Failed to create the scope deserializer object for instance \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find invoke message
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the invocation content for the message \"{0}\" from the datastore.
fix: Please check that the message key \"{0}\" refers to a valid invocation message that has been delivered to and not removed from the process domain.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find callback message
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the callback content for the message \"{0} \" from the datastore.
fix: Please check that the message key \"{0}\" refers to a valid callback message that has been delivered to and not removed from the process domain.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Audit details not found in datasource
description: The process domain was unable to fetch the audit detail bytes for the instance \"{0}\", detail id \"{1}\" from the datastore.
fix: Please check that the instance identifier \"{0}\" and/or detail identifier \"{1}\" refers to a valid entry in the audit_details table; this row may have been manually removed from the table.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance index out of range
description: The index \"{0}\" for instance \"{1}\" is out of range; please try a value between 1 and \"{2}\" (inclusive).

severity: 10
type: error
name: Scope released
description: Cannot access scope \"{0}\"; scope has already been released.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Unknown cache policy
description: Unknown cache policy \"{0}\" specified for property \"{1}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Could not initialize jms connection pool
description: Could not initialize connection pool for connection factory \"{0}\"; the reason is {1}.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot finalize compensation node
description: Failed when attempt to finalize the compensation node \"{0}\" for the second time. The exception reported is: {1}
fix: If this node has been custom coded for this process, please check the implementation.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Missing process for instance
description: The process (\"{1}\", revision \"{2}\") for instance \"{0}\" was not loaded by the domain; the instance will now be marked as stale.
fix: The archive for process \"{1}\", revision \"{2}\" may have been deleted from the domain manually; in this case the domain would not have been able to mark all instances belonging to the process as stale.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot read sensor file.
description: A problem occurred while reading the sensor file \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}
fix: Please ensure the file exists. If it has been manually deleted, please redeploy the process.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Cannot read sensor action file.
description: A problem occurred while reading the sensor action file \"{0}\". The exception reported is: {1}
fix: Please ensure the file exists. If it has been manually deleted, please redeploy the process.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Instance missing test information.
description: The BPELTest instance \"{0}\" is missing test information.
fix: If this instance has been modified manually, it may be corrupt. Please launch a new test run.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Problem updating label status.
description: A problem occurred while updating the label status \"{0}\" in instance \"{1} \".
fix: This label was not detected during process compilation. Please re-deploy the process and try again.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Message handler element class not valid
description: The class \"{0}\" for the message handler element \"{1}\" does not implement the IMessageHandler interface. All message handlers contained within the process domain must implement this interface.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Message handler class not found
description: The class \"{0}\" cannot be found in the current classpath.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Error while creating message handler element
description: An error has occurred while attempting to instantiate the class \"{1}\" for the message handler \"{0}\". The exception reported was: {2}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Error while invoking inbound message handler
description: An error has occurred while attempting to invoke the inbound message handler class \"{0}\" for the message \"{1}\". The exception reported was: {2}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Error while invoking outbound message handler
description: An error has occurred while attempting to invoke the outbound message handler class \"{0}\" for the message \"{1}\". The exception reported was: {2}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed to create datasource
description: Failed to create the datasource \"{0}\". The exception reported was: {1}
fix: Please consult your administrator regarding this error. The application server logs may provide more information regarding this error.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Process not found
description: The BPEL process \"{0}\", revision \"{1}\" has not been loaded. Either the process was not initialized properly or the process has been disabled.
fix: Please consult your administrator regarding this error. The application server logs may provide more information regarding this error.

severity: 5
type: error
name: Suitcase not found
description: The process domain was unable to find the BPEL suitcase \"{0}\" in the datasource. Either the suitcase was not saved properly or the suitcase table has been altered manually.


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