
Showing posts from May, 2010

Installation Issues

Some of the most common issues faced while installing AIA Foundation Pack 2.5 on Oracle Application Server 1. Configuration Assistance Failed Solution: In case configuration assistance failed to complete, check the install log under AIA_HOME/logs/Install/FP and correct the issues. Then restart the configuration assistance from SOA_HOME/cfgtools/configToolFailedCommands file. It typically looks like E:\\product\\OracleAS_1\jdk\bin\java.exe -jar E:\product\\OracleAS_1/Infrastructure/install/lib/AIAUtils.jar -i E:\product\\OracleAS_1 -nopips 2. Uninstall option is not available with FP2.5 installer Solution: To uninstall FP you need to use OUI under \Disk1\install. Browse through the Oracle Application Server > Application Integration Architecture 3. AIAReadJMSNotificationProcess compilation fails with following message: ORABPEL-01501 undefined part element. In WSDL at "http:// :8888/orabpel/default/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess/AIA...