BPEL Web Service Exceptions ORABPEL 08000 - 08033

BPEL Web Service Exceptions ORABPEL 08000 - 08033
Web Service Exceptions 08000 - 08033

<>Parameters: 0: SOAPHeaderElement's QName 1: operation Name 2: SOAPException message
severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed to set soap header
description: Failed to set SOAPHeaderElement \"{0}\" when invoking operation \"{1}\". Reason is \"{2}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed to set soap header
description: Failed to set soap header \"{0}\" for operation \"{1}\", because \"{2}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed to read wsdl
description: Error happened when reading wsdl at \"{0}\", because \"{1}\".
fix: Make sure wsdl exists at that URL and is valid.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed to read wsdl
description: Failed to read wsdl at \"{0}\", because \"{1}\".
fix: Make sure wsdl is valid. You may need to start the OraBPEL server, or make sure the related bpel process is deployed correctly.

severity: 10
type: error
name: WSDL type map not registered
description: Cannot find registered typeMap for WSDL definition \"{0}\".
fix: TypeMapping should be registered before it can be used by the WebService layer. This is a system exception, please report to admin.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed to get type for wrapper
description: Failed to get type for elment \"{1}\" of wrapper type \"{0}\".
fix: Please verify that element \"{1}\" of wrapper type \"{0}\" is defined with the valid XML type.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed to read WSDL
description: Failed to read wsdl at \"{0}\" because \"{1}\".
fix: Please verify that WSDL at location \"{0}\" is valid.

<>{ "exception.08007 .fix", "Please verify that there is a port that implements portType \"{0}\" in the WSDL service \"{1}\"." },
severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed get wsdl port
description: Failed to get WSDL port that implements portType \"{0}\" from WSDL service \"{1} \".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed get wsdl service definition
description: Failed to get WSDL service \"{0}\" from WSDL definition \"{1}\".
fix: Please verify that WSDL service \"{0}\" is correctly defined in the WSDL file.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed get wsdl service definition
description: Failed to get a WSDL service that support the portType \"{0}\" in WSDL definition \"{1}\".
fix: Please verify that WSDL portType \"{0}\" is supported by a service in WSDL file.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed get operation definition
description: Failed to get the WSDL operation definition of \"{0}\" in portType \"{1}\".
fix: Please verify that operation \"{0}\" is defined in portType \"{1}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find parterRole
description: Failed to get partnerRole \"{0}\" of partnerLink \"{1}\" in partnerLinkType \"{2} \".
fix: Please verify that partnerRole \"{0}\" is defined in partnerLinkType \"{2}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find parterRole
description: Failed to resolve the java class for type \"{2}\" of part \"{1}\" of messageType \"{0}\".
fix: Please make sure the XML type \"{2}\" is defined in WSDL or XSD.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find partnerLinkType
description: PartnerLinkType \"{1}\" of partnerLink \"{0}\" is not found in either partner WSDL at \"{2}\" and process WSDL at \"{3}\".
fix: Please make sure the partnerLinkType is defined in the WSDL.

severity: 10
type: error
name: No such operation
description: Cannot find operation.
fix: The WSDL might have been changed and you might need to recompile your process.

severity: 10
type: error
name: No such operation
description: Cannot find operation \"{0}\" of portType \"{1}\" in WSDL at \"{2}\".
fix: The WSDL at \"{2}\" might have been changed and you might need to recompile and deploy the caller process.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find partnerLinkType 2
description: PartnerLinkType \"{0}\" is not found in WSDL at \"{1}\".
fix: Please make sure the partnerLinkType is defined in the WSDL.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find partnerLink
description: PartnerLink \"{0}\" has not been defined in the process \"{1}\" (revision \"{2} \").

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot send jms message
description: The process \"{0}\" (revision \"{1}\") was unable to send a message to jms partner \"{2}\"; the exception is: {3}
fix: Please check that the messaging service for the application server has been configured properly.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot create subscriber
description: The process \"{0}\" (revision \"{1}\") was unable to create a subscriber for jms partner \"{2}\"; the exception is: {3}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot shutdown subscriber
description: The process \"{0}\" (revision \"{1}\") was unable to close the subscriber for jms partner \"{2}\"; the exception is: {3}
fix: Please check the MOM Server for the connector has been running properly or not.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find partner wsdl
description: parnterLink \"{0}\" is not found in process \"{1}\" (revision \"{2}\")
fix: Please check the deployment descriptor of the process to find the correct partnerLink name

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find binding operation
description: in WSDL located at \"{0}\", cannot find a binding operation of \"{2}\", portType \"{1}\"
fix: Please make sure the WSDL is valid

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed get wsdl portType definition
description: Failed to get WSDL portType \"{0}\" from WSDL definition \"{1}\".
fix: Please verify that WSDL portType \"{0}\" is correctly defined in the WSDL file.

severity: 10
type: error
name: EJB Transaction Error
description: EJB exception happened while invoking the partner
fix: Please verify partner service.


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