BPEL Delivery Exceptions ORABPEL 03800 - 03813

Delivey Exceptions 03800 - 03813

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot resolve correlation set definition
description: The process domain was not able to resolve which correlation set definition to apply to the received callback message for operation \"{0}\".
fix: Correlation set definitions are registered with the process domain using operation name and process id. The callback message is most likely missing the process id.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Missing operation name
description: The received callback message is missing the operation name parameter. The process domain cannot resolve which correlation set definition to apply to the message without this parameter.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Correlation definition not registered
description: The correlation set definition for operation \"{0}\", process \"{1}\", has not been registered with the process domain.
fix: Please try to redeploy your process to the process domain.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot create engine bean
description: The process domain cannot lookup the engine bean; this bean is responsible for processing the callback of a received message. The exception reported is: {0}
fix: Please check that the engine bean has been properly deployed to the server and can be properly mounted from a java class.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Synchronous method invocation timeout
description: The synchronous polling thread has timed out waiting for a result from instance \"{0}\".
fix: There may be problem completing instance \"{0}\"; please check the process console for more information.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Protocol handler not found
description: The process domain was unable to find the protocol handler for the conversation type \"{0}\".
fix: Please check the implementation of the protocol interface for this conversation type.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Callback on delivery service failed
description: The process domain was unable to process the callback for received message \"{0}\" for conversation \"{1}\", subscriber \"{2}\". The exception reported is: {3}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot resubscribe MOM conversations
description: An attempt to resubscribe previous MOM conversations has failed. The exception reported is: {0}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot create listener for MOM conversation
description: An attempt to create MOM listener has failed. The exception reported is: {0}

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find message part
description: Delivery service cannot find message part \"{0}\" when doing message correlation.
fix: Please check your BPEL source to make sure the correlationSet definition is correct.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Conflicting receive
description: Another receive activity or equivalent (currently, onMessage branch in a pick activity) has already been enabled with the partnerLink \"{0}\", operation name \"{1}\" and correlation set \"{2}\" (or conversation id). Appendix A - Standard Faults in the BPEL 1.1 specification specifies a fault should be thrown under these conditions.

severity: 10
type: error
name: No correlation sets defined
description: No correlation sets have been defined for operation \"{0}\" (process \"{1}\"). All receive operations that do not use WS-Addressing to correlate messages must define at least one correlation set.
fix: Please check your BPEL source to make sure at least one correlationSet is defined for the operation \"{0}\".

severity: 10
type: error
name: Cannot find property alias
description: Cannot find the property alias \"{0}\", message type \"{1}\".
fix: Please check your BPEL/WSDL source to make sure that property alias \"{0}\" has been defined.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Failed to evaluate correlation query
description: Failed to evaluate the correlationAlias query \"{0}\" on the element \"{1}\".
fix: Please check your BPEL/WSDL source to make sure that proprty alias is defined correctly


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